There is a different response between them and them when there is infidelity of their spouse. Men tend to be blunter in response, cut and you will see. The man usually has more difficulty to forgive, however, he can forget but not the above.
Men, to what is traditionally believed or thought, do not usually have aggressive responses to women. Another issue is the legal aspect, they will fight to the death to obtain all the rights in the regime of visits of their children and other rights in this regard.
The man usually hires the services of a private investigation firm regularly after his breakup, usually control certain aspects such as the income of his former partner and similar aspects in order to act in the modification of the regulatory agreement, the use, and enjoyment of the housing, etc.
On the contrary, women usually react very differently to men. Many women forgive infidelity and manage to forget it. What happens is that a feeling of suspicion and distrust is born, and in the face of this fear, they usually re-hire a private detective to investigate her husband in order to find out if infidelity is happening again. Women become obsessive about the smallest details, they become controlling before the arrival times and the movements of her husband.
Many people seem to be unclear about the concept of infidelity and often relate it to carnal behaviors when in reality it has more to do with the breakdown of the acquired commitment.
In this context, different types of deception can occur that have nothing to do with the sexual area but can be equally harmful and equally condemnable.
Grupo Arga Detectives Madrid knows very well how to detect these deceptions and collect them video graphically. We list some of these deceptions.
Emotional deception. It is an internal deception, without outward manifestations of carnal type. Examples of them are social networking relationships, mere flirting, complicity. This deception highlights an emotional desire to know about the other person, to see her, to think about her constantly, etc.
Sexual Deception As the name implies there is a physical deception at the carnal level. In this plot, the role of the private detective, the material and tangible cousin mainly comes into play and the mission of obtaining evidence is entrusted to us. It is possible to refer to paradoxical investigations, as is the case of investigating the infidel's lover by hiring the infidel himself. In this second great category, we can distinguish two subcategories according to the type of deception, punctual deception and deception. The first is mere isolated sexual contacts while the second consists of the emergence of a collateral relationship to the principal that involves much more effort in its dissimulation and that have many more implications.
It is a type of infidelity investigation that is fashionable, consisting of investigating one of the spouses because it is assumed that it hides heritage.
It is a type of investigation requested when there is property to verify that it has nothing hidden.
This type of investigation is usually requested at a time close to a separation or divorce in order to be well-advised the other party on the real economic situation of the same.
In recent times there have been companies whose benefit is the infidels. They are alibi and deception companies.
These companies serve as a decoy so that the couple does not suspect anything about the behavior of the infidel.
They invent alibis, stories, send false documentation, even answer the phone and help the infidel at all times.
Its proliferation occurs more frequently among the upper strata of the Company due to its high price for contracting its services.
There are many ways that can make us think about the fact that infidelity is occurring. They arise in questions such as whether they are producing internal changes in the family nucleus, if the work schedule begins to lengthen, there is more interest in getting well dressed, etc.
Before taking any step, in order not to raise suspicion, it is necessary to keep some precautions because otherwise the hare can be lifted.
The infidel will always reject the accusations. The best thing to do is to contact an experienced private detective agency such as Grupo Arga. Here comes the infidelity detective as an explanatory element. All private investigation carried out by Grupo Arga keeps maximum discretion and confidentiality.
Unfortunately, customers who come to our office have more than just suspicions, and around 70% of private investigations on infidelity contracted are positive.
By contracting with Grupo Arga you will be able to know the whole reality of an infidelity situation, you will be able to make all the appropriate decisions in this regard and act with ahead.
Only the tests can get you out of doubt in a situation like this so delicate and that requires absolute certainty.
The working method of Grupo Arga is based on the provision of video graphic evidence. Our infidelity detectives can bring light to your matter.
Here are some indications that your partner is unfaithful. These signals are not enough by themselves to accuse your partner but to hire our infidelity investigation services in Madrid.
Appearance is a key factor. Care for physical appearance occurs abruptly without a possible explanation. From starting to play sports to starting to perfume, buy new clothes, etc.
Change routines over time. The person's schedules change abruptly, start coming later, surprise meetings, etc.
Distancing There is a separation of psychological level between the spouses without apparent explanation.
Communications The phone becomes a precious asset worth keeping constantly in custody, silenced, something mystical occurs and ceases to have visual access to the spouse's phone. Messages, calls, and Whatsapp at odd hours with vague excuses. The phone starts to remain silent whenever they are together and hidden.
Angry. There is constant anger of the unfaithful spouse to the other people as soon as they feel attacked or trying to get some kind of information.
Decreased libido The unfaithful spouse ceases to be sexually interested in his partner, there is a gradual distancing from sexual intercourse.
Mileage. The displacements increase, the expenses in gasoline. Apparently, it is the same route but these factors change.
Sudden showers and changes of clothes. The unfaithful person upon arriving home goes directly to the shower and change his underwear.
Passwords The infidel begins to shield everything related to emails and other computer applications in social networks.
Surprise Hobbies The infidel begins to be interested in new tastes in his spare time
Departures from home The infidel begins to make sudden exits from home claiming silly and unreasonable reasons.
Major Ego The infidel begins to feel strong, energized, with a high self-assessment.
Receipts from strange places and others like those on credit cards disappear on clothes and in the car.
Invoices. Phone bills disappear.
Youth. The infidel begins to feel like when he was a youngster or youngster.
Hanging with friends. Start to meet friends that didn't exist before.
Duplicity in mobile telephony. It happens to have several mobile devices and even several SIM cards.
The appearance of motel advertising. Road motels become a frequent meeting place for infidels, this is due to the anonymity it represents and ease of access as well as their prices. Advertising elements of these such as matches, almanacs, a pamphlet, etc. appear.
Websites visited. Appointment sites appear in the browsing history of the infidel. These sites are very frequented by infidels where they use it to meet each other.